Canadian Iaido Association
Tanida Sensei, Kato Sensei, and Itou Sensei at ZNIR Zenkoku Kyoto Taikai
17 May 14
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CIA Attainable Dan and Kyu
ZNIR/CIA Information
The Three Official CIA Artifacts
CIA Membership Structure
CIA Directors
Instructor Profiles
Denton Hewgill Sensei, CIA President
Chris Tooley Sensei, Vice President
Eric Dunning Sensei, Manager of General Affairs
Itoh Takeji Sensei, ZNIR Overseas Auditor and CIA Secretary General
Kansayaku Commission Certificate
Mark MᶜAllister, Manager of Promotion
Stuart Branson
Craig Murray-Hill, Manager of Finances
Jack Kerr, Manager of Labour
Theodore Davis Sensei, Canadian Iaido Association Founder
CIA Honours and Lapel Pin
Temporary Certificate Example
The ZNIR/CIA Relation
ZNIR/CIA Dan and Kyu Ranks
ZNIR and MJER Seitokai
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