Kato Haruo Sensei, 1931 – 2022
It is with a heavy heart we regret to inform that Kato Haruo Sensei has passed away in the morning of April 21, 2022 at the age of 91. Kato Sensei was a pillar of the Canadian Iaido Association, personally attending numerous summer seminars and offering his considerable support and knowledge in Canada and Japan.
He was a kind gentleman, a great swordsman, a talented teacher of the Japanese spirit, and a strong Iaidoka. Kato Sensei’s legacy will thrive through diligent practice by those who knew him, or had the privilege to practice with him, and the generations that will continue to do so.
The Canadian Iaido Association offers our deepest condolences and sympathy to Kato Sensei’s family; he will be greatly missed and we will always remember him.